
2mm Gaugamela: Warmaster Ancients

Page history last edited by nik harwood 15 years, 2 months ago

Inaugural run-out of my 2mm Warmaster Ancients forces: Alexander takes on Darius...solo battle, October 2009


Battle lines are drawn...



View from the Persian lines


Macedonian right flank (from the front)


Persian centre (looking to the left flank)


Stuttering start from Alexander...


Persians - sweeping right & left flanks - with little movement from the centre


As above...


The view from behind the Macedonian phalanx (Turn 2)


Just after some decisive cavalry action on Alexander's right flank, decimating the Persian cavalry - the remnants of which are threatened on their flank (top right)


Macedonian centre


Persian subject infantry & scythed chariots charge the massed phalanx - while Persian archers get carried away in the heat of battle & charge the Macedonian light infantry


As above...


As above...


As above...


...and the Persians claim a decisive action!


The centre of the battlefield (start of Turn 4) is contested...


As above...


Although Alexander retains his Guard Phalanx on the right flank, supported by archers.

The battle is in the balance....


The Persians regroup & go for a decisive action...


Before the charge...the Infantry on the left will rush headlong to engage the Macedonian Light Infantry (top right)...


...which they decimate - leaving this....


It's looking quite good for the Persians here (view from their right flank looking obliquely down-table)


Meanwhile, in the centre, the depleted units of Subject Infantry gamble on charging a depleted Phalanx...


...and their commanders decide to pitch-in...


Not that it helps! The Phalanx prove their worth & annihilate the Persians; with very few forces & no commanders left, Alexander is victorious!


Overview of the battle's end


From the Persian right


The victorious Alexander with his Companions











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